About Us
Cursillo is a movement of the Church, which in Scotland operates within the Scottish Episcopal Church and is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Cursillo is a Spanish word (pronounced kur-see-yo) which means “short course”. The full title (Cursillo de Cristiandad) means “a short course in being a Christian”. The Cursillo Movement hopes to assist people on their spiritual journey through a greater longing to know and to serve the Lord more effectively within their congregations and the communities in which they live and work
Cursillo helps us:
Cursillo is one way of being a disciple.
It is based on a simple discipline of prayer, study and action.
Its purpose is to support the church in its mission by encouraging its members to examine their journey of Faith.
Cursillo enables us:
• To grow into a deeper relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ.
• To discover our personal vocations and to develop our individual gifts for Christian service and leadership.
• To become more effective witnesses to Jesus Christ in our lives.
• To bring about and to strengthen Christian commitment within a Community of Faith.
• To build up the witness of the Church in the world that both may be renewed and transformed.